This blog is within the theme of vomitous things, in this case, the horrendous skin conditions of eczema and psoriasis that plague many a human and, despite numerous attempts for a cure…no such luck.
I have designed an incredible natural skincare range to help alleviate the symptoms of both eczema and psoriasis (and other severely dry skin-related skin conditions). In anticipation of that launch, I would like to talk about these horrid skincare conditions.
First, let’s look at each of these skincare conditions.
What is eczema?
To be completely honest, it’s a shitty and very common inflammatory skin condition that produces painful and itchy skin.
Conventional medicine is yet to find a drug that effectively treats eczema, and that does not have damaging side effects. Yet it is one of the most common skin diseases, so that sucks. People who suffer from eczema have an overwhelming desire to scratch, which in turn leads to severe scaling, bleeding and weeping of blisters under the skin in severe cases. Not fun. It is unsightly, extremely uncomfortable, and frustratingly difficult to cure.
The most common form of eczema is atopic eczema, which is believed to be triggered by allergies and is very prevalent in families with a history of asthma and hay fever. Atopic eczema is due to a faulty immune system that makes the body unable to distinguish invading bacteria and viruses from harmful environmental substances such as pollen, house dust, etc.
Dry skin lacks the skin’s lubricant, sebum. The sebaceous glands produce this substance, but their activity can slow down due to external or internal factors, causing eczema.
What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis also falls under my category of shitty skin conditions and is caused by a chronic autoimmune condition. This causes the rapid buildup of skin cells that, in turn, causes scaling on the skin’s surface.
Inflammation and redness around the scales are fairly common. Typical psoriatic scales are whitish-silver and develop in thick, red patches. Sometimes, these patches will crack and bleed.
Psoriasis results from a sped-up skin production process. Typically, skin cells grow deep in the skin and slowly rise to the surface. Eventually, they fall off. A skin cell's typical life cycle is one month.
This production process may occur in just a few days for people suffering from psoriasis. Because of this, skin cells don’t have time to fall off. This rapid overproduction leads to the buildup of skin cells.
Triggers include stress, infections, cold weather, injuries & alcohol – to name a few.

How do you treat/alleviate symptoms of both eczema and psoriasis?
Conventional medication includes st*roids and antihistamines, which do work for some sufferers but often come with side effects or are completely ineffective. Cort*sone is one of the best-known solutions to get rid of atopic eczema. The problem is that it’s bad for you and your skin, thins out your skin, and leads to more premature ageing.
Like most skin conditions, you can’t just solve the problem by using topical solutions. Diet and even exercise are equally important. What you put into your body has as great an impact on how your skin functions as to what you put on it.
I recently tested this theory. I am gluten intolerant, and for decades, I have never found myself in a position where I have had to have gluten or wheat every day. As I said, I’m intolerant, so a sandwich a week or 2 gluten meals a week will not kill me. BUT I embarked on a 3 to 4-week journey of having gluten every single day. I knew it was not going to be comfortable, but I did not know it was going to be one of the most horrific experiences my body had ever had to endure. I’ve summarised below what this did to me:
In two weeks, I had put on 7kgs (that is insane!)
I had fever blisters for the duration of the test.
I got a rash under my right arm 2 weeks in until I stopped the test.
I developed a rash/bumps on my neck 1 week into the test and they are only now starting to disappear.
My skin was itchy during the entire test.
My hay fever got worse, and my eyes were puffy from the 1st week.
I had bouts of crippling IBS.
I developed sores on my scalp and the outskirts of my hairline.
I got blackheads (for the first time) on my cheeks and forehead.
I have pimples on my cheeks and chin (I do get on my chin occasionally during my period, but not this severe).
I was lethargic (so much so I had no energy even to exercise 1 week in) and anxious.
In summary, it was awful. But I’m glad I did this test, as it just goes to prove how much your diet has to do with the state of your skin and mental health. So, with that said, here are some recommendations for diet and supplements that can help you combat eczema and psoriasis without the negative side effects.
First of all, have no fear, Evening Primrose Oil is here! A widely publicized trial by the Department of Dermatology at Bristol’s Royal Infirmary reported improvements in patients after three weeks of taking 4000mg of EPO every day (2000mg for children).
Improvement stats below:
Itching improved by 36%
Scaling by 33%
Redness by 29%
Sufferers of psoriasis also benefit from moderate improvements in 60% of the patients trialled over 8 weeks.
The gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) present in Evening Primrose Oil is a nutritionally significant essential fatty acid, and one of its many functions is to maintain the water barrier that exists beneath the uppermost layer of the skin cells (known as the stratum corneum). A dry and devitalized complexion is not caused by a lack of oil in the skin but rather is due to the evaporation of water through this barrier. Therefore, any holes or weakened areas will allow more moisture to escape, leading to excessively dry skin. GLA is an important component of the cellular membranes that make up this barrier, so we need to receive regular supplies to ensure that it remains stable and strong.
As mentioned before, dry skin is lacking in the skin’s lubricant, known as sebum. The sebaceous glands produce this substance, but the activity of these glands does slow down. Dry skin cannot retain moisture effectively. To help preserve the moisture-retaining barrier, avoid using soap and water to cleanse your face. The soap will heighten moisture loss and constant wetting and drying of the skin can step up dryness. Use a cream or oil cleanser twice a day. Rosewater is very well suited to dry skin. Steer clear of harsh exfoliators.
Probiotics are the ‘good bugs’ or bacteria. I recommend a 90-day course of acidophilus or Bifidus every 12 months as they help with eczema, psoriasis, herpes, and acne. These always work especially well combined with Evening Primrose Oil.
Some dermatologists used to dismiss the connection between specific foods and skin reactions, but since then, intolerances and allergies have been proven to contribute to the ‘overload’ effect (read on). The nutritional approach to eczema is based on the fact that the person suffering from this shitshow’s total environmental ‘load’ has exceeded their body’s capacity to deal with it. Examples would be pollution, stress, poor nutrition, as well as specific triggers such as an emotional crisis, consuming too much coffee or eating something that they are allergic to that pushes the body over the edge (rather than being the root cause). Therefore, you need to increase your adaptive capacity and lessen the total load of drama. Cortisone and other anti-inflammatory drugs merely suppress the symptoms but do not cure the disease. Cortisone creams, if used frequently, thin the skin. So try using creams high in vitamins A (helps thicken and protect the skin) and C and E, which are powerful antioxidants.
First up, identify what your allergies are. There are 2 main types of allergies;
IgE – immunoglobulinE are antibodies your immune system produces that cause more severe and immediate reactions.
IgC – immunoglobulinG (also antibodies produced by your immune system) and are less obvious and are also known as food intolerances or hidden allergies. These get worse over time, but not immediate severe reactions.
Tests have identified milk as the most common food allergy that causes eczema (so try cutting out dairy products for a month and see if the condition improves).
Best foods:
Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, kippers, sardines)
Red onions
Fresh fruits (especially berries)
Vegetables (especially greens)
Flax seeds (or oil) and chia seeds
Worst foods:
Sugar and refined ‘white’ foods as they promote inflammation
Caffeinated drinks
Alcohol (promotes inflammation)
Dairy products (high in arachidonic acid that promotes inflammation)
Meat (same as dairy products)
Evening Primrose Oil – 600mg to 4000mg a day
Take 2 high-potency multi-vits containing at least 1,500mg of Vitamin A, 10mg of zinc & 100mg of magnesium (zinc and magnesium are natural inflammatories)
2x 1000mg vitamin C tabs or powder
Acidophilus or Bifidus (probiotics)
Good Medicine, Patrick Holford.
You. Looked after.
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Disclaimer: This blog is only intended for informational purposes. Any information associated with this blog should not be considered a substitute for prescriptions suggested by beauty, diet, and healthcare professionals. Readers are subject to use this information at your own risk. Tash Fromberg does not take any responsibility for any harm, side effects, illness, or health or skin care problems caused by the use of this content or anything related. Please always remember that products that work for me may not work for you. Always test them on a small area of skin before buying or using them if unsure.